Our Service unlimited solutions to all your waste. SMV RESOURCES's proactive team of certified environmental professionals in Waste Management continuously conduct audit and provide solutions to clients.
The Solid Waste and Public Cleansing Management Act 2007 (Akta Pengurusan Sisa Pepejal dan Pembersihan Awam 2007), is a Malaysian laws which enacted to provide for and regulate the management of controlled solid waste and public cleansing for the purpose of maintaining proper sanitation and for matters incidental thereto
Every waste generator shall ensure that scheduled wastes generated by him are properly stored, treated on-site, recovered on-site for material or product from such scheduled wastes or delivered to and received at prescribed premises for treatment, disposal or recovery of material or product from scheduled wastes.
Industries discharging sewage, industrial effluent and leachate are required to comply with the following relevant discharge limits as stipulated in their respective regulations:-
(a) Sewage discharge standards.
(b) Industrial effluent discharge limits.
(c) Leachate discharge standards
SMV RESOURCES has elaborated and implements a Ship-generated Marine Waste Management Service, in line with the Malaysia Environmental Quality Act on Port Reception Services for ship-generated waste and cargo residues, according to the International Convention MARPOL 73/78 for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships.
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