Malaysia has developed a comprehensive set of legal provisions related to the management of sewage waste The regulation was based on the cradle to grave principle. A facility which generates, stores, transports, treats or disposes sewage waste is subject to the following regulations:
(a) Environmental Quality (Sewage And Industrial Effluents) Regulations 1979 - P.U.(A) 12/79;
(b) Environmental Quality (Sewage and Industrial Effluents) (Amendment) Regulations 2000 (Revoked) - P.U.(A) 398/2000;
(c) Environmental Quality (Sewage) Regulations 2009 - P.U.(A) 432/2009;
(d) Environmental Quality (Sewage And Industrial Effluents) (Amendment) Regulations 1997 (Revoked) - P.U.(A) 400/97;
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